
hello, world

i've tried to start a blog a few times but never really got into it. reasons for previous failures varies, but it's usually me overthinking it, spending too much time either looking for the perfect setup/framework to use, or trying to vertically-align something on the page with css, or only publishing when i have complete, well-thought-out, deep content to share.

so this time around i'm going to try something different.

no fancy setup: this is a static website built with zola, with a basic theme that mostly works.

for comments, i'm using giscus, a github discussion-based comment/reaction system; it requires commenters to have a github account, but since i'll be posting mostly on engineering topics, it's probably fine.

my hopes is that i use this space to record notes and things i learn, write down some longer thoughts (read rants) on pertinent topics, and share a thing or two about what i'm currently working on.

i will probably also write about running, which is the other thing i do.